
Showing posts from July, 2011

5 years 5 Months!

This week we will celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary (July 22) and the 5th month of this pregnancy. Tuesday Kevin and I will head to the very fun ultrasound appointment where, if we wanted to, we could find out if this baby is boy or girl. But we won't. We are going to wait just like we did for Cooper until he or she is born. Regardless, this is one of my favorite appointments and we are both very much looking forward to see the baby! Friday we will celebrate our anniversary by making our annual trek to Breezy Pointe with the Vranicar's. We are hoping for nice weather, great food, good shopping and I think Kevin mentioned something about golf? :) ( picture from Breezy last year ) Backing up a bit...this past week Cooper got to know the nurses at our clinic quite well. Thanks to our Jill, I took Cooper to see his doctor last Thursday with concerns for his breathing. Turns out (after x-rays, nebulizers, oxygen tests, the works!) that he may have had the start of pneumonia. Tha...