
Showing posts from October, 2011

2 Years Old!

What a weekend we had with Cooper turning 2! Our house was full of family and friends (and food and gifts) as we celebrated Cooper's birthday. The day after the party we spent some time with our friends Mindi, Scott and Jovie at the Mall of America. The kids loved eating at the Rain Forest Cafe and as you can see, the guys loved taking them on rides!   Finally, we wrapped up the birthday celebrations by taking Cooper to his 2 year well check. Cooper was talking about seeing the doctor to find out how big he was now that he was 2!   32lbs 75-90% 36 1/4" tall 90%   We officially ended the long weekend with dinner and dessert for Kevin's birthday on Monday. Only 6 weeks now until my due date. My dad thinks the baby will arrive before that, we will see!

Happy Birthday Cooper!

Saturday is Cooper's 2nd birthday. I wish I could just stop time and let him be 2 for awhile, it all goes too quickly.

Not sure I'm ready for this....

So much for Cooper in a crib...

Let the Birthday Celebrations Begin!

Cooper kicked off his 2nd birthday early with Uncle Brian and Auntie Joni. They won't be able to join us for the "real thing" because they will be traveling through Europe. I still can't quite understand how Amsterdam, Paris, Dublin, etc, etc compare to a toddler birthday party.... :)  So they stopped over for pizza, cake and presents! Next Cooper celebrated opening a gift from Uncle Mike, Auntie Delayne and Big Al (cousin Alex) who live too far away to make the short weekend trip. (We are hoping this will change and they can move here with us!) Cooper says "Thank you!" for his gifts and treats! We've been singing Happy Birthday for months in anticipation of this Saturday. Cooper (and mom and dad) are pretty excited to celebrate turning 2!

This Fall

So far this fall we have... Celebrated Gena's 3rd birthday Been to Cooper's first Gopher football game Visited Great Grandma Marian Learned how to drive a tractor with Grandpa Dougie Learned how to drive a three wheeler with Grandpa I seeing a trend here?? Plus we've started swimming lessons again and joined an ECFE class. Can't wait to see what the rest of fall with have us doing! And...raking leaves!