
Showing posts from February, 2012

Snow- at last!

In a million years I never thought I would wish for snow. This year I had really hoped we would at least have enough to take Cooper sledding a time or two. While we didn't do much more than pull him in a sled around the yard, we were able to make a snowman this week! I could have stayed outside all day with that fun little boy. He, admittedly, was more interested in throwing snow then building with it, but we still had fun and when we stepped back and looked at what we had built he felt pretty proud. Parker on the other hand wasn't too thrilled to get all bundled up!

2 months!

Happy 2 Month Birthday Parker! Yesterday we visited the doctor for Parker's 2 month well check and as we already knew by looking at all of the rolls on his legs, he is a big boy and growing very well. Weight- 15lbs 5oz Height- 24" His weight was literally off the charts for his height- we affectionately call him our little Chumbawumba. Big brother Cooper is still growing as fast as ever too. He's up to my hips now and not slowing down, alothough he could use some filling out! The way he runs around its no surprise he's a solid little boy with not much extra on him. I will head back to work the week of February 27 and so very thankful I will still have Mondays at home with the boys. We are once again taking an ECFE class near our home and Cooper loves it. (I think Parker loves it to, but its hard to tell since he has slept through all of them so far.)