This time of year has me glued to my computer screen as I look for photos, updates, Tweets and admittedly, voy board gossip as the new class of Miss America contestants converge on the Las Vegas strip to rehearse and compete for 10 days for the opportunity of a lifetime- becoming Miss America. Until last spring, I had spent the past decade VERY involved with the Miss Minnesota/Miss America Organizations and attended several Miss America pageants in Vegas. I had wondered how I would feel when Miss Minnesota left for Miss America and I essentially had nothing to do with her going. In previous years I had spent hours every week helping prep our titleholder to compete for this title and now- nothing. I can safely say how I am feeling is pretty much what I expected, like I'm missing out on something, like my best friend is accomplishing something great and I cannot share in her excitement. It is a strange thing to feel and I'm working my through it, finding where I fit in this ne...