A year and a half?!
Happy 1 1/2 year birthday Cooper! I can't believe how fast that went! Our not so little boy had his 18 month check up recently and staying on trend he is "above average" :) Weight 29lbs - 90% Height 35 and some odd inches - 97% He is expanding his vocaublary everyday. It seems that he is repeating everything now, but he still has his go-to words: Car- this is by far his favorite word, toy and activity! Bye - his version is more like "bye eeeeeeeeeeeee" Hi- !!! Airplane- "Pane" Pie mama daddy- "daddyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" Angelica- "ca" Grandpa- "pa" Taz ( Angelica's puppy) "tap" Yes- "ha" with a big head nod Pool Deck Outside- "side" Treat- "teat" Popcorn- "pop pop" (he isn't eating it, but we play it with him on the trampoline and when we jump on the bed- see the video) and the list goes on. Favorites: Pasta- hence the spaghetti face Milk Black beans String cheese Sausage ...