The other day it occurred to me that I was no longer the high-heeled strutting, pencil skirt wearing, looks like she baths regularly girl I used to be. You would think it would have hit be sooner seeing that I haven't been in an actual paid working position for a few years now. I am aware that I have a closet full of beautiful 4" heels that are collecting dust and my feet are most often doting six year old Nike's with grass stains. I'm also aware that I now almost feel awkward putting on a skirt instead of jeans or running tights. It feels like I'm playing pretend or that I'm not feminine enough for that anymore? This all hit me when I saw a (beautiful) picture of my friend Mindi- find her super cool blog HERE. Not to say Mindi hasn't always looked so pulled together, but seeing her in this photo; hair up, black asymmetrical lace detail dress on, coordinating bracelets in just the right spot on her arm- I saw how she was so polished and professional she h...
Showing posts from August, 2015
Under Construction... me and the blog
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Over the next few weeks I'll be working on giving the blog a face lift. As you can see, it has had a few nips and tucks already. Looking forward to getting back into a regular schedule once school starts and (hopefully) getting a chance to post all the ideas I've had running around my head. For some reason I can't find a chunk of time to sit down, with two free hands, and do it.... hahahahhahahhahahah UPDATE........................ Oh dear I feel delusional. Here I thought I would actually get time to turn this blog into something once school started and we got into a routine. Boy was I wrong. Here I am weeks later. The extra time I get I spend quickly clearing the floor of toys, throwing in a load of laundry or on occasion, getting in a little time on the treadmill. You see, I have this on-going internal battle called Mom Guilt or maybe it's "catholic guilt." This is completely self inflicted and for a majority of the time unnecessary. I think that I sh...