Cards, Cold and well, cold.
Kevin and I often get the chance to attend sporting events. We both are fortunate enough to have generous people in our lives that offer us their tickets and rarely do we pass them up. So Friday we bundled up and headed to the Wild hockey game. We love hockey. If you had asked me six years ago about the sport I would have given you an empty stare. Now however I am quite convinced that someday we will have a house full of smelly hockey gear and will be regulars at the ice rink.
Reasons why we love hockey games: the hotdogs (yes really), the excitement of seeing the team take the ice, the way the entire arena automatically jumps to their feet at the sound of the punk clinking with the posts and of course, seeing our team win. I noticed for the first time this weekend that I enjoy Gopher hockey even more than Wild hockey. There is no replacing the way the student section at Mariucci makes the game feel. It's contagious.
Saturday brought snow. But that hardly stopped us from getting to the mall. :) We had shopping to do and Christmas wasn't about to wait on us to finish before it arrives. The crowds weren't bad and we finished fairly quickly. We got home, shoveled and I got some baking done. We also suddenly decided that we should take a Christmas picture. We had started a Christmas letter but with how busy Kevin has been at the office it just didn't seem likely to get done this year. So we plopped ourselves in front of the tree and started taking pictures. One of us would set the camera, the other would sit in place and then the first would set the timer and jump into view. After about a dozen pictures we finally got it right! Christmas cards printed and in the mail in under 48 hours... not bad.
Sunday we once again braved the cold, very cold, weather and headed out for the Vikings game. We had great seats and although the Vikings couldn't hold on to the ball we still had a great time there together. The only small "annoyance" was the mad behind me and his oblivion to the idea that someone was sitting in front of him. That someone was lucky me. He continually hit my head with either his hands as he clapped and cheered or his knees as he figited in his seat. I really don't think he even knew I was sitting there.
So the weekend was great and fun as usual. It's hard to find a time that Kevin and I don't have fun together, its a big part of the reason we get along so well- we love hanging out together.