In third grade my mom borrowed a book from the library about how to make friends. I've always had friends, good ones, but I have always felt that I should have more. Kevin reminds me that it is quality not quantity. Lately I've been looking at some of my relationships and wondering what to do. Sometimes I feel a little like I put more into some of them than the other person. When do you learn to just let go? I guess if I were to stop trying to keep the connection strong I would see just how strong it is.
Within the last year I have had two girl friends come back into my life. The first was one of my best childhood friends. We did everything together and could make each other laugh like no one else. When we graduated high school it just stopped- almost as if it never happened. And just as suddenly as we had lost each other we were back. Thanks to email and Yahoo! chat we've made up for the five years that we missed out on. I'm thankful I have her back.
The second of the two just happened within the last week. She and I were so close. This one was all my fault, I met Kevin and put everything else on the back burner. The trouble with that is I never went back to get it. I always meant to reconnect with her- but couldn't or didn't. By mistake she called me right before Christmas. It was the best gift I could have gotten. It put a huge smile on my face to hear her voice. Again, I am thankful to have her back. I'm not letting either of them go this time.