The Ladies
God doesn't give you the people you want,
He gives you the people you NEED
To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and
to make you into the person you were meant to be.
Dear God: The lady reading this is beautiful,classy and strong,
and I love her. Help her live her life to the fullest.
Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations.
Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love.
Protect her at all times,lift her up when she needs you the most,
and let her know when She walks with you, she will always be safe.
Since moving to "The Cities", as people who are not from here like to call it, :) I have not had the network of girlfriends that I once had. Kevin reminds me that it is quality and not quantity. He also suggests that the reason for this is that I would rather be at home with him than out on the town with the girls and that I can tend to be a bit competitive with other women.
Well maybe these are true, I tend to think that I simply haven't found the right ones to be friends with yet. I mean sure, there are MANY girls that I am friends with through my work with Miss Minnesota, but that only goes so far. I know tons of great women. But what I am looking for is a network of women who I share similar interests with, who will just meet for coffee on the weekend or who just call to chat. My very good friend Emily and I do talk practically everyday but she is also nearly 300 miles away.
So last night I jumped at the opportunity to have dinner with a few women from the office. It was an evening full of (really) great food and even better company. I feel pretty fortunate to work with such dynamic, caring and interesting women.