Feeling Poofy

In an effort to appease certain "audience" members... :) I am going to try to write more frequently that once a week.

Now being firmly in the second trimester things should start to really change. Things as in the shape of my body- particularly my stomach area. All along I've felt some pulling sensations across my adbomen. This week though it's almost constant! :) I've read that this pulling or stretching is called round ligmant pain. It's not painful though, its kind of fun to know that the baby is getting bigger so there needs to be more room made.

Last night for the first time Kevin kind of looked at me and said that he thinks I'm (in his words) ballooning a little. Then he retracted that and used Angelica's words, that I am "poofing up" a little. Either way, both statements are true I'm growing little by little. Thankfully I was given more maternity clothes to borrow last night. At this rate I won't have to BUY anything! Yeah right.

We were reminded again last night how quickly babies grow up. We visited our sweet God daughter Gena and her parents for dinner. She is such a pretty little girl, full of the wiggles! She just can't sit still! The little wiggle worm turned 7 months yesterday which is just crazy! She has changed so quickly. I need to remind myself of this next fall when our little one arrives. It will go faster than we think.


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