Last night I made my first purchase from the maternity department. It wasn't much, a tank top, capris and sweater. So in other words , not much that I can wear to work!
How very appropriate on this Cinco de Mayo that today marks 16 weeks, making the baby about the size of an avocado! Measuring about 4" to 5" and weighing about 3.5 ounces. This week the baby's tiny ears are developing enough to hear my voice. Eyelashes, eyebrows and are are starting to fill in and taste buds are forming. Apparently something that also goes along with being 4 months pregnant is congestion. This along with my already nagging allergies has made for some very itchy eye mornings and pressured induced headaches. Small price to pay I know.
15 weeks!! It is hard to believe that we are nearly four months into this journey. Time is flying but Kevin and I both are still pretty calm about the enormous change that is coming this fall. Maybe the excitement is masking the nervousness of it all. Yesterday I wrote that I had to break out the BellaBand, well today my pants fit so we're not to the point of no return yet. Being in my second trimester though I'm anticipating the weight to start adding up. On average women gain about a pound a week during this time. When I told that to Kevin he didn't seem to impressed. Then I gave him a visual- picture one pound of hamburger meat being added to your body every week. "Well when you put it that way." As of this morning I've lost a half pound putting me at a weight gain of 6.5 pounds in these (nearly) four months. Baby is still teeny tiny: About 4 inches long and about 2 1/2 ounces. But that isn't slowing the baby down! Apparently, even though I can't f...
MOUSE! Just one of the many highlights of our time in (sunny, humid, sticky, hot, wonderful) Orlando last week. We started our adventure flying our of Minneapolis Wednesday evening. Cooper did so well on the plane. We read books, had snacks, played with stickers and enjoyed the people around us. We arrive in Florida, got our luggage; which included carseat, stroller, diaper bag, Kevin's backpack, one large piece of luggage and two big carry-ons, and headed for our rental car. After navigating our way through the airport and the tram we were on our way to the hotel. We finally got into our room and ready for bed around midnight on Wednesday. Although sleeping arrangements were less than ideal for any of us - Cooper had a hard time falling to sleep with us in the room, more on that later. We eventually all fell asleep, ready for the day ahead. Thursday we decided to stay close to the hotel and see what was near us. We headed out to pick up snacks, milk and juice for Cooper and to s...