This and That

I've been neglecting the blog this week I guess. I suppose it is because not much has changed. I'm in the middle of week 31, the baby is an acrobat almost all of the time now- except when I am sleeping or perhaps I'm too tired to notice it then?
The baby's room is coming together. We now have the dresser in the room and are waiting our glider to arrive...again. We ordered one a few weeks ago and yesterday when Kevin went to pick it up- he noticed that it was damaged. So we returned it and placed out order again. We will have to wait a few more weeks now to get that.
Out baby classes are going well, only one left- I think Kevin and I will both be happy to be done. We have enjoyed them but are ready to be done and move on to the "real stuff" :).
This weekend we are headed to Lake Park for the Garden Quilt Show and Tea at my aunt's house Each year she hosts this fundraiser which benefits the Families Forever Scholarship given in my mother's memory. Two scholarships are given, one to a high school senior girl and one to a Miss Northwest contestant. Each must write an essay outlining their commitment to family, community, church, etc and what each mean to them. We are hoping the weather cooperates and that we have a large turnout!
Kevin and I were fortunate enough to be given tickets to the PGA tournament at Hazeltine last week. I do have a few pictures from the day there but need to get them on HERE. It was a fun, HOT day- (as I walked past another obviously pregnant woman we both looked at each other in the sweat and heat and grinned knowingly). Other than the sudden bloody nose I experienced the day was alot of fun. And it was to spend an unplanned day off with Kevin.
The daycare search continues...are there any daycares out there that fit what we are looking for AND have openings for infants? I'm beginning to question that.


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