Honey Dew list

The list of things to do or buy is getting shorter. At 33 weeks I keep saying it, but time is flying. Our house looks like Babies R Us, we have a small library of children's books in our living room and there is still more on the necessity list before baby arrives.

Last night Kevin and I visited our friends Jacob and Brianne to watch some football/baseball and chat. I feel so fortunate to have resources like Brianne and the other "new moms" in my life to ask all of my questions. Seeking out advice and receiving unsolicited advice hasn't been too much of an "issue". I understand that people want to be helpful and offer us their tips and tricks. Kevin and I have had conversations about this- how do you turn down someones offer to help? I guess you just tell them that we want to try this on our own for awhile and see how it goes- when we need help, we'll ask for it. I can't worry about pleasing people when we have a newborn at home.

So here is the update on baby:

My last appointment heartbeat was 144 and the doctor thought the baby weighed about 4 pounds. She laughed when she looked at my weight gain- because I hadn't gained any...which is the opposite from a few months ago when I gained 10 pounds on in month. She laughed because I was so worried at the time that I would be the size of a house. "I didn't think you were going to gain 10 pounds every time I saw you." Thank goodness!

Last weekend we had a wonderful shower which Kevin's three aunts and Brian's girlfriend Joni hosted for us. (Pictures to come soon). Kevin's grandma Marian was even able to join us from "Up North" aka the Iron Range. We were once again given many thoughtful gifts which will all be put to good use very soon.


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