Some great things
Before I begin this post- I'll clarify that some of these "great things" are material things. And yes- I think they are still great. :)
It has been a wonderful weekend! The greatness includes:
1. Having a wonderful, wonderful son. He and I visited my good friend Quinn today and were treated to a tour of her new home. It is beautiful by the way. Cooper seemed to almost ENJOY looking at all of the rooms and contently layed on his blanket and played while Quinn and I chatted for over an hour. (He did however pee on her kitchen floor.) Sorry Quinn!
2. Finding the shirt I've been wanting and it was on clearance!
3. Baking cookies. They haven't even turned hard yet! :)
4. Running 5 miles this morning.
5. The warm, bright sun shining in on me as I lay on the couch.
6. Getting an unexpected visit from Brian and Joni last night.
7. Ordering dinner in last night. We both wanted big juicy burgers but couldn't go to the actual restaurant since it was Cooper bedtime. My turker burger and Kevin's cheeseburger were delicious and we were able to enjoy them on our couch in peace.
8. Hanging out with Kevin and Cooper two mornings in a row. In our pajamas, me drinking coffee, Kevin making breakfast.
9. Knowing I still have another day off tomorrow.
10. The beautiful new sweater I also found on clearance.