2015 To Do List

My friend Mindi recently blogged about the upcoming year and all of its possibilities.  While I hadn't physically written any of my own goals for this new year, there were things that I had been wanting to tackle and accomplish once the baby arrived in June. After reading Mindi's post I realized that the best way to get to where I want to be, I need to have an actual goal set. I know this list will grow as the year continues but for now here is my personal to do list for 2015:

* Learn to Ski (again)
*"Master" Crow pose and chaturanga (Amber Gort Husevold)
*Blog every two weeks

Skiing- I once was fairly comfortable on a pair of skis, but this was almost 15 years ago and my last memory of it was me eating a face full of snow and flip flopping down the hill. As I laid in the middle of the ski hill, I decided that had been my last run at it for awhile, I never imagined it would take so long to want to try it again. This time I would like to really learn the right way to ski and feel confident doing it. 

Crow Pose and Chaturanga- Two yoga poses/moves that I can currently do, but not as well as I'd like. I won't be able to truly work on these until this summer after I'm no long pregnant, but I really enjoy physically challenging myself so these two seem like a good place to start.

BLOGGING- this one I really need to focus on. I really enjoy writing and simply haven't put aside the time I want to do it. I am hoping more opportunities will come up where I can use the blog or my writing in other formats and until then I want to capture our everyday happenings so its not all lost to my short memory. 

There are so many other family goals that I have, but that list is ever changing and new goals are added daily; get kids dressed, fed, bathed :-) BIG goals.

Here's to a another great year!


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