Ups and Downs
The Ups Last Friday we had another ultrasound. :) This time from the moment the baby new it was "on camera" it wouldn't stop moving! The little arms and legs were busy kicking and waving at us- already such a show off. Thankfully once again everything looks great, I will see the doctor next week and I'm thinking won't have another ultrasound until 20 weeks. By that time much will have changed. The downs Flowers sent to my office from my dear friend Mindi. Made my day! Today marks three years since my mom died. It is really hard to believe it's been that long, I can remember when it was one hour, two hours, one day, one week. More ups This weekend all 18 of our Miss Minnesota contestants came together for contestant orientation weekend. We truly have a remarkably tough competition this year. It was fun to see everyone together and to try to guess who will be in the top 10...good luck. I'm still guessing! I will try to post a group picture later today. Sund...