So...what do you do?
Since leaving my desk job earlier this summer, I've been asked what exactly we do every day or more so, why we do SO much. I'm not much of a sit still kind of gal, in fact you'd be hard pressed to find me sitting through an entire sitcom. (unless of course we are watching Breaking Bad- I cannot stop watching it!) Because I'm often asked this and because I wonder too what stay at home moms/dads do with their time during the day, I thought I'd share a pretty typical day for me and the boys. 4:45am- My alarm goes off and I head to the gym. This is an insane hour to be up, but it is the only guaranteed time I can get it in 6:00am- I'm back home brewing my first of two cups of coffee. Between now and about 7am I get myself ready for the day, catch up on emails and if we are headed out for the day, pack lunches 7:00am - 7:30am- the boys wake up and breakfast is served 8:00am - 9:30am- books, cars or other indoor play as we get dressed, clean up from breakfast...